Looking back, looking foward

I know, I know, I’m a little behind.  The holiday dust has finally settled, the Christmas decorations are back in storage and I finally have time to reflect on the past year and look towards the new one.  2011 was a year of firsts:

1.  First blog and first blog post.  I started this blog on a whim and thought I would quickly run out of recipes and things to write about.  It has now become my stress reliever and my creative outlet.  I still can’t believe I made all this!

2.  First time volunteering in years.  You can read about some of it here, here, and here.  I never knew how much I missed it, until I started doing it again and now I can’t imagine it not being a part of my life.  I get so much more in return than what I give.

3.  First time picking up art supplies (here and here) since highschool.  I’ve never considered myself as a creative person, so I’ve stayed away from the artsy stuff (painting, scrapbooking, jewelry making, etc).  Never again will I consider myself not being able to do anything until I try it at least once (or twice).

4.  And the big one – first time in Europe.  It’s always been a long time goal of mine to go to Europe….all that history, culture and art….amazing!  That being said, it will not be the last time we go!

2011 was also a year of letting go a little bit and doing things that make me happy.  I hope 2012 will be more of the same, with maybe a 10km run for charity or a volunteer trip thrown into the mix.  But unfortunately, I know it’s not going to be all fun and games or cupcakes and buttercream frosting.  How sweet would it be?

I foresee some major changes in the future.  It’s time for me to buckle down and figure out what to do with my life.  Just as I have now made David’s resolution accountable to the world, I am asking you to hold me to it and keep me honest.

Now, if anyone out there would like to compensate me for my blogging skills, I may just take you up on it.  🙂

Happy New Year, again!  May all your wishes and dreams be fulfilled!

9 thoughts on “Looking back, looking foward

  1. I’m hungry too now! The pictures of Europe are gorgeous. I’m half Greek half Italian, and have been to Greece (didn’t want to leave) next time Italy! Great blog 🙂

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